Business Partner
The Rice Financial Group sponsored our 2021 A Night of Hope Gala.
Our Gala Sponsors
Become a Business Partner
Make a difference…
We are very thankful for our business partners who are living out a life of generosity because of God’s blessings on their lives. If you’re a business in the Tampa Bay community and want to make a positive impact on the lives of children in the foster care community, we would love to hear from you.
We as a society have been blessed in so many ways and God’s Word informs us that we have the opportunity, through what would be considered profits from our business, to help the orphan, the widow, and the stranger. If God’s prompted your heart to make an impact in this way, please contact us. We look forward to partnering in the future!
Contact us to learn more about becoming a business partner
We’ll follow up with you soon.