Church Partners

Want to become a church partner?

The solution to the foster care crisis in our area is the LOCAL CHURCH. A Door of Hope can only do what we do because of our partnerships with churches throughout the areas we serve. We join together to fulfill God’s calling.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”  James 1:27

How your church can get involved

Church Resources

Check out our downloadable video and graphic resources that help you tell your people about Christian foster care right here in our area:




Need Trauma Training for your volunteers and staff?

We can come and do a training on trauma to equip your team to serve kids from hard places!

Schedule Us at Your Church

It would be a joy for us to come to your church and provide additional information about foster care and the services that A Door of Hope provides to enable your congregation to begin a foster care ministry in their home. Our team is equipped to do any of the following:

  • Set up an informational table in your sanctuary or foyer

  • Speak for a few minutes about the foster care crisis and mission of A Door of Hope (you determine the length of time given)

  • Share a message on the foster care crisis, our charge as Christ followers to care for orphans and mission of A Door of Hope

  • Hold an informational session for interested parties

Please click this link and complete the form. Someone will be in touch to schedule our team to visit your church.

We invite your church to join together with us in this Gospel-driven mission.

For more information on engaging your church, contact us.