Church Resources
We invite you to highlight the crisis being experienced by modern-day orphans — foster children — right here in our region of Florida. Officially, Orphan Sunday is held each year on the second Sunday in November. For 2022, it’s November 13.
Here at A Door of Hope, we encourage churches to pick any Sunday in November to highlight Orphan Sunday. Since its inception in 2002, the ongoing purpose has been to promote awareness about orphans in our communities, highlighting their issues and needs. Its observance also honors the caregivers, in our case, foster parents, who assist with caring for these children.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James 1:27
We’ve designed many resources for you to use and customize for your presentation to your congregation.
The Need
Download this video to show in your church for Orphan Sunday. This video highlights the need for Chrsitian foster care in Tampa Bay from the perspective of a handful of local pastors. DOWNLOAD VIDEO
Download this video to show in your church for Orphan Sunday. This video tells the story from the perspective of a little girl who suddenly gets placed in one of our foster homes. DOWNLOAD VIDEO
The Call
Download this video to show in your church for Orphan Sunday. This video tells why a young mom and her husband become foster parents. It encourages people interested in foster care to attend an info session to find out more. DOWNLOAD VIDEO
Download this video to show in your church for Orphan Sunday. This video highlights the amazing stories of three teen boys who get adopted by our foster families right before they age out of the system. DOWNLOAD VIDEO
These free to download images are formatted to be used on-screen. They are perfect if you want to present your congregation with the need for foster care in the Suncoast Region of Florida.
Psalm 68:5 states God’s love for foster children, our modern-day orphans, and for widows who are often the biological mothers of foster children.
There are currently about 19,000 children in foster care in the entire state of Florida.
James 1:27 states God’s call to be Christ to foster children, our modern-day orphans, and their biological parents who are struggling with abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
In the past year (July 21 - June 22), the foster families at A Door of Hope loved, cared for, and served 598 foster children. That is more than 1 in 7 children in the Suncoast Region.
We have created social media graphics for you to utilize on your social media channels and over mass texting.
Choose whatever way you want to tell the story online. What matters most is presenting the need for Christian foster homes.
It would be a joy for us to come to your church and provide additional information about foster care and the services that A Door of Hope provides. Our goal is simply to enable members of your congregation to determine what level they want to participate in the ministry of foster care. Our team is equipped to do any of the following:
Set up an informational table in the location of your choice.
Speak for a few minutes about the foster care crisis and mission of A Door of Hope (you determine the length of time given).
Share a message on the foster care crisis. Our charge as Christ-followers is to provide hope for modern-day orphans. That’s our mission of A Door of Hope.
Hold an informational session for interested parties.
Please book us well in advance. Our schedule tends to fill up fast.
Become a Church Partner
If you’re not a church partner, we welcome new partners at various levels of engagement. Contact us to find out more information about how your church can join us in getting the word out about Christian foster care ministry. Together we can provide hope for kids in crisis.
One of our team members will reach out to you soon.