The Hills Offer Hope to a Sibling Group of 3!

As we end another year, we are left with countless HOPE-FILLED stories of all God is doing through faithful foster families. One of these is that of the Kyle and Sara Hill. These stories are only possible because of your faithful support and generosity. We pray that you will be blessed by reading it.

Kyle and Sarah Hill See the Need for Hope

Kyle and Sara Hill heard about A Door of Hope through their church, Bridgeway Church in Wesley Chapel. Being a former foster child himself, Kyle was excited to begin the fostering journey with Sara, who spent many years volunteering with kids who aged out of the foster care system. Shortly after getting licensed, they provided a week of short-term care for two brothers who were part of a sibling group of five spread across three different homes. This experience opened their eyes to the importance of keeping siblings together. When children enter foster care, being with their siblings offers a glimmer of hope amid uncertainty—a chance to hold on to what is familiar and comforting. Unfortunately, many sibling groups end up being separated in foster care because of the lack of homes equipped to take them in. The Hills saw this up close and decided they wanted to be a home to offer HOPE to a sibling group.

Soon after, they were asked about caring for two brothers and a sister.

Siblings Reunited and Given Hope

The Hills remarked, “As is the case with most foster children, the circumstances regarding them coming into foster care were absolutely heartbreaking, but it was also clear that God had a special plan for each of their lives. After taking the time to get to know the children and praying about their situation over and over again, it was clear that this is what the Lord had for us.”

“We met the kids in September 2023 and the older two siblings came to live with us in November 2023.” The Hills continued that “there were some custody issues with the youngest sibling, but the Lord finally allowed him to be reunited with his siblings in February of this year.” In August, Kyle and Sara formally adopted them, and a family of 2 quickly became a family of 5!

From 0 to 3 Children

Although the Hills could not imagine their lives without them, adjusting from zero to three children was not easy. They admit that “navigating issues with school and daycare, tantrums, and the typical terrible twos and ‘threenager’ stages has not always been fun, but we have learned to take the good with the hard.” The Hills remarked that the kids “are like built-in best friends who are always around” and often encourage and empathize with each other. The youngest brother was non-verbal when he came into the home and parenting him was tough initially for the Hills, but “being around the older two siblings really helped the youngest with his speech delay and potty training.” Now, there are days when he doesn’t stop singing and talking.

The Hills Couldn’t Have Done It Without Support

Kyle and Sara acknowledge they couldn’t have navigated this journey alone. The support they received made it possible for them to care for their children. Local foster closets and Christmas donation drives helped ease the financial burden of welcoming three children into their family all at once. Beyond physical resources, A Door of Hope connected the Hills with therapeutic providers who met with their family weekly, equipping them to better support children who have experienced trauma. Reflecting on their experience, the Hills shared, “Our parent coach was a huge emotional support for us as new parents.”

A Door of Hope has an unwavering commitment to providing wrap-around support for foster families and the children in their care. By connecting families to essential resources and trauma-informed professionals, A Door of Hope ensures every child can heal and thrive in a loving environment.

Ultimately, the Hills testify to their calling to foster care, saying, “Yes, it will be one of the hardest things you will do, and it will require sacrifices. But if God puts it on your heart, it will be a life-changing and rewarding journey for everyone involved.”


Hope Restored: Community Unites to Help Foster Family Overcome Hurricane Devastation


Merry Christmas